Monday, October 20, 2008


May all your dreams come true.

Thank you for being born fifty years ago, and for serving as my inspiration with your art, with your mannerisms, with your truth and honesty, with your courage to speak the truth, and most of all, with your kindness towards strangers and friends alike without ever wanting anything in return.


by Louise Gluck

There was an apple tree in the yard –
this would have been
forty years ago – behind,
only meadows. Drifts
of crocus in the damp grass.
I stood at that window:
late April. Spring
flowers in the neighbor’s yard.
How many times, really, did the tree
flower on my birthday,
the exact day, not
before, not after? Substitution
of the immutable
for the shifting, the evolving.
Substitution of the image
for relentless earth. What
do I know of this place,
the role of the tree for decades
taken by a bonsai, voices
rising from the tennis courts –
Fields. Smell of the tall grass, new cut.
As one expects of a lyric poet.
We look at the world once, in childhood.
The rest is memory.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Make A Wish For Viggo Encounter

CALL ME a freak, but before I die, I would like to meet Viggo Mortensen. Perhaps to hear him speak or listen to him read his poems. Or maybe just walking down the street in the middle of St Louis one day, and I might see him walking towards me. He would walk by me and I, being too shy or timid to stare openly, will probably steal a glance at him. I'd probably curse at myself later for not asking for autograph but more than likely, I would let him passby without being bothered by me and my childish obsession. If I am lucky, he might ask me for time which I would then have to fumble to reach my cell phone to look up the time since I don't wear any watch. Whatever form it may be, any tiny moment of seeing Viggo in real life would be a dream come true. Odds are that l'd pass this life without ever having a chance to see him in person. But that does not mean that I have to abandon my hopes.

Sometimes, somehing are worth dreaming about no matter how impossible they are, and seeing Viggo in real life would definitely be one of them. Go ahead, call me a freak. When the shoe fits..